… there really is no substitute for the insight one can get from a knowledgeable, objective advisor.
Originally I thought I didn’t need a designer. You provided many ideas that I never would have thought of and were open to my ideas and suggestions too.
He has an amazing knack for problem solving, an amazing knack for seeing what our idea is, and taking it from idea to vision.
- OMG The Future is Here – And We’re NOT Ready!April 7, 2023 - 6:14 pm
What the minimum wage shift moving toward (but still a long way from) a living wage means for the hospitality industry is radical and timely evolution. It signals the end of an anachronistic, patriarchal system, which is only one step ahead of farm labour, which remains medieval, except for the robots. Books like Kitchen Confidential… read more
JC Scott
WHY WOULD A DESIGNER SELECT VANCOUVER ISLAND MARBLE ?July 25, 2020 - 10:55 pmQ. Why would a designer select and specify Vancouver Island Marble Quarries products for their projects?A 1. Much of Western and Northern Vancouver Island is comprised of limestone with large marble deposits. The material is both abundant and local.2. Only some of the marble is of good quality in large enough seams without cracks and… read more
Vote With Your Wallet, Living The New Economy Presentation at IdeaJAM, Victoria April 2013
ENJOY eco-lux DESIGN on Salt Spring Island
10 Guidelines for a Healthy Home
eco House
Healthy Lighting By JC Scott
Tenth Principle -10 Principles For 100 Mile Design- By JC Scott
Ninth Principle -10 Principles For 100 Mile Design- By JC Scott
Eigth Principle -10 Principles For 100 Mile Design- By JC Scott
Seventh Principle -10 Principles For 100 Mile Design- By JC Scott
Sixth Principle- 10 Principles For 100 Mile Design- By JC Scott